Philippians 2:1-5
Continuing our study in Philippians we find Paul starting out chapter two speaking about the joy of unity. Ouch!! That one hurts right now in the physical realm because we are unable to meet together. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t have unity. I just sent out a text this morning with some scriptures from Ecclesiastes reminding us of our need for each other and the strength that comes from being able to count on the help of a fellow brother or sister in Christ. The first verse of this chapter is a summary of some aspects of Jesus Christ that as a Christian we will obtain by becoming a saved child of God. We all know how rotten we are in our cores. We were born that way, but praise God we don’t have to stay that way. Just look at the list of changes that can overcome our old nature through the acceptance of Christ AND obedience. · Consolation in Christ · ...