Who-da Thunk
Would you ever have imagined this scenario? Only a few weeks ago we were plodding along doing our usual whatever and then BAM! A scary virus, food and supply shortages worse than hurricane times, social distancing or quarantine. A TOTAL new way of life. Change is never something we like, but it's inevitable. There are too many factors involved for things to remain the same way for very long, but this one came quick and with huge effects.
Unfortunately one of the biggest and most detrimental of changes we are experiencing right now is the need to cancel our church services. Between the numerous members who work in the health field and those who are at risk healthwise, the decision was made to not hold services. It's a tough call. We need each other. We are family and as family we want to be protective of each other. Unfortunately, as this meme Ashley shared yesterday shows, we are going to have to get creative with our ways of fellowshipping, for at least a little while.
Unfortunately one of the biggest and most detrimental of changes we are experiencing right now is the need to cancel our church services. Between the numerous members who work in the health field and those who are at risk healthwise, the decision was made to not hold services. It's a tough call. We need each other. We are family and as family we want to be protective of each other. Unfortunately, as this meme Ashley shared yesterday shows, we are going to have to get creative with our ways of fellowshipping, for at least a little while.
I'm certainly no Beth Moore or Priscilla Shirer as those of you who have sat under my teaching know, but it is a burden on my heart that we don't let COVID-19 destroy our spiritual lives. Bro. Blake is sharing his preaching, which I hope you are all taking advantage of. PLEASE be in sincere prayer about his efforts. We NEED to hear the word of God and you all know how excited he is to preach it so please ask God for the blessing to make it happen.
Meanwhile I was hoping that maybe I could share some thoughts and prompts to help you stay in the word. Maybe you're already there and this is for me only. I just know that I feel the need to do something and texting or the short messages I get out to you through the ladies group just don't seem like the right avenue. Soooo....I though maybe I'd share some "teaching" on a blog that I think the majority of you can access. It may be a total flop, but I hope it will be a blessing. I'll have an intro to the book of Philippians up tomorrow.
Missing you all so much.
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