Paul's background with Philippi
Well, we've survived another couple of days of COVID-19. Supplies are starting to be restocked to normal, but unfortunately the risk to go out and get them is getting higher. Stay safe ladies and keep each other in prayer.
So did you all do your homework? LOL I gave you ten questions to try to answer from the scriptures in Acts pertaining to Paul's time in Philippi. Hopefully these verses will give us a good underlying foundation of the relationship Paul had with the church there and what he experienced when he was there.
Let's look at those questions.
- What was purple dye created from and why was it so special? Tyrian purple dye was created from boiling thousands of marine snails in lead vats for days. Apparently they smelled horrible. The snails themselves weren't purple, but the chemicals that were derived from boiling them were transformed by heat and light into the purple dye. If you want to know more about Biblical time purple check out the following website: Smithsonian Magazine
- Was Lydia the only person who was saved under Paul's preaching at the prayer meeting? no, also those in her household who believed
- What can you find out about the spirit that the damsel was possessed with? the "Spirit of divination" phrase translates to "a python spirit" (the "y" is pronounced like a "u"); in Greek mythology the name of the Pythian serpent or dragon that dwelt in the region of Pytho at the foot of Parnassus in Phocis, and was said to have guarded the oracle of Delphi and been slain by Apollo, the god of prophecy; python came to be associated with anyone who told the future.
- Why did Paul command the spirit out of her even though she was acknowledging them as the servants of God showing the way to salvation? Satan loves to distort the Gospel just like he did in the garden. He mixes in just enough truth to lure you in and then adds his counterfeit message. She was apparently well known in Philippi so people were well aware of her connection to Roman mythology and dark spirits. Paul wanted nothing like that associated with the Gospel.
- Describe the style of punishment and imprisonment given to Paul and Silas. they were stripped, beaten severely, thrown into jail and their feet were placed in stocks.
- What were Paul and Silas doing at midnight when the earthquake struck? singing praises to God
- What effects did the earthquake bring about on the prisoners? all the doors were opened and the chains were loosened
- Why was the guard preparing to kill himself? A Roman prison guard was required to suffer whatever punishment his prisoners were condemned to if they escaped. He was preparing to do the deed himself rather than let the prison authorities do it.
- What were the results of Paul's words to the guard? he was saved and when Paul also preached to those in his household, they were saved also
- Why was there a problem with the beatings Paul and Silas had received? Both were Roman citizens. They had been beaten and imprisoned without the due process of Roman law. It was also illegal to expel a Roman citizen from a Roman city. The magistrates were afraid they were going to get into big trouble with the higher officials in Rome
So how'd you do? Hope you had fun digging for the answers.
Alright, I think we're ready to get started in the book of Philippians. This book is about joy. That's the major theme and it's a concept we need to learn how to differentiate from happiness.
Read chapter 1, more than once if you can. Jot down anything that you learn or any question you might have.
God bless.
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